
Seit April letzten Jahres bin ich sonntags so oft ich kann bei Peter Doobinins  OnlineMeditationsgruppe in New York. Seine Vorträge sind für mich sehr hilfreich, seine Art zu lehren passt gut zu meiner Art zu lernen, die Dinge zu sehen und zu verstehen. Oft geht es um den Zusammenhang von Körper und Geist, um Körperachtsamkeit. Und immer geht es darum, wie wir die buddhistischen Lehren in den Alltag unseres ganz normalen Lebens integrieren können. Letzten Sonntag gab es die Empfehlung jeden Tag hinzuspüren, was die Corona Pandemie in uns für Gefühle auslöst, einfach um sich dessen bewusst zu werden und dem nicht auszuweichen. Und es gab die Empfehlung täglich fünf Minuten zu tanzen. Schliesslich verhindert Bewegung und Beweglichkeit das Festsetzen negativer Emotionen im Körper. Ich könnte noch viel darüber schreiben, was in mir Wurzeln schlägt, aber eigentlich wollte ich das Zitat teilen, dass Peter mit uns geteilt hat. Von Ajahn Sumedho, einem der grossen Lehrer der thailändischen Waldtradition, den ich auch sehr schätze. Er kann die Dinge so einfach ausdrücken. Am besten liest du selbst:


„What I trust is my awareness. It is something for you to find out for yourselves. You can’t just trust what I say. Anything I describe now is simply an encouragement for you to develop this trust in awareness. This inclusive awareness is very simple and totally natural. The mind stops and you are open and receptive. Even if you’re tense and uptight, just open to it by accepting it and allowing it to be as it is. Tension, despair, pain – you allow your experience to be exactly as it is rather than try to get rid of it. If you conceive of this openness as a happy state, then you create a mental impression of it as a pleasant state that you might not be feeling and would like to feel. Being in a pleasant state of mind is not a prerequisite for inclusive awareness. One can be in the pits of hell and misery and yet still open to the experience of being aware, and thus allow even the most upsetting states to be just what they are. I’ve found this to be a real challenge, for there are so many mental and emotional states that I don’t like at all. I’ve spent my life trying to get rid of them. From childhood onwards one develops the habit of trying to get rid of unpleasant mental states by distracting one’s attention, doing anything to try and get away from them. One develops so many ways of distracting oneself from feelings such as despair, unhappiness, depression and fear – one no longer even does so consciously. It becomes habitual to distract oneself from painful experience. The encouragement now is to begin to notice those painful states, even to notice the way one distracts oneself. Inclusive awareness is a state of not really knowing anything in particular. You’re allowing things to be what they are, not the way you think they are or the way you think they should be. You don’t have to perceive them with thoughts or words, or analyze them; you’re simply allowing the experience to be just the way it is. It’s more a case of developing an intuitive sense, what I call ‘intuitive awareness’. When you can begin to trust in this awareness, you can relax a bit. If you’re trying to control the mind, then you tend to go back to your habits of trying to hold on to some things and get rid of others, rather than just allowing things to be what they are. With intuitive awareness we are taking refuge in awakeness – which is expansive, unlimited. Thought and mental conception create boundaries. The body is a boundary; emotional habits are boundaries; language is a boundary; words expressing feelings are also boundaries. Joy, sorrow and neutrality are all conditioned and dependent upon other conditions. Through awakening we begin to recognize that which transcends all of this. Even if what I’m saying sounds like rubbish to you, be aware of that. Open to the fact you don’t like what I’m saying. It’s like this. It’s not that you have to like it. It’s starting from the way it is rather than having to figure out what I’m trying to say.“

Ajahn Sumedho from Intuitive Awareness

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